🐇 White Rabbit Syndrome

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this is Shades of the Day — bringing you different shades of opinion in news and culture so that you can see the big picture quickly.

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It’s Sunday, May 26 — here’s what you’ll find in today’s newsletter:

  • The meaning of Memorial Day

  • “White Rabbit Syndrome”

  • 4 quick hits of news from the last 24 hours

The meaning of Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a holiday that was established to honor the fallen soldiers of the Civil War. Newsweek thinks the day should unite all Americans -- it's based on the nation's founding values and reconciliation.

And the WSJ says it's a great chance to teach patriotism: Kids should innately love their country, the same way they love their family.

Bloomberg offered a different take: Memorial Day could bridge divides for pro-Palestinian activists -- they should try joining the day's celebrations.

On the other hand, 830 Times says Memorial Day celebrations miss the point: America is supposed to honor the fallen. It's not a day for BBQs and parades.

A WaPo Op agrees: It's time to rethink Memorial Day for deeper meaning, not just sales and beach trips.

White Rabbit Syndrome

Struggling with punctuality? Stylist says you may have “White Rabbit Syndrome” -- aka chronic lateness. It could be a result of cultural influences or perfectionism.

But the Guardian offered a different explanation: Chronic lateness isn't rudeness, it's a complex psychological pattern.

The BBC agreed: It's not just rudeness. Chronic lateness is often linked to personality traits and mental health.

Whatever the reason, Inc says being chronically late is a bad thing. Check out their tips on how to beat the struggle.


Shades poll: Why are some people chronically late?

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1) Nicki Minaj postponed a Manchester concert after being detained in the Netherlands over drug allegations.

2) A devastating tornado in Texas resulted in at least five deaths, including children, with dozens injured.

3) Donald Trump faced boos during his speech at the Libertarian Party’s national convention, making an unusual pitch.

4) Aid trucks expected to start entering Gaza through the Kerem Shalom crossing, resuming deliveries from Egypt.