🏛️ Trump’s Georgia indictment

Happy Wednesday! It’s August 16 — people are talking about Trump’s Georgia indictment, the phrase “no worries if not” in texts and emails, and more.

As always, we’ve summarized and organized the different shades of perspective, so you can see the big picture quickly.

🏛️ In the news: Trump’s Georgia indictment

Donald Trump faces a 4th indictment in 5 months, this time in Georgia state court. Is the case too aggressive, or is there substance to the allegations?

🏛️ AP News: Trump and 18 allies were charged in Georgia for interfering with the 2020 election. This is the 4th criminal case against Trump in just 5 months.

🏛️ The NY Post says this is by far the most dangerous case for Trump. It’s a state court case, which means Trump can’t pardon himself — and it’s based on serious claims of election interference.

🏛️ The NYT thinks the case is ingenious. Being in state court means it'll be on TV, the facts in Georgia look really bad for him, and the prosecutor Fani Willis has brought many different cases under these statutes before.

🏛️ Hot Air says the prosecutor took a “kitchen sink” approach here — so many allegations, so many counts, so many defendants. It’s a little silly, although some of the allegations do have substance.

🏛️ WaPo thinks the “kitchen sink” approach is a mistake. These broad allegations are better in federal court — this state case is too aggressive.

😅 Cultural trend: “No worries if not”

Does the phrase undermine your authority, or exude emotional maturity?

😅 HuffPo thinks that if you say “no worries if not” in a text or email, it means you view your request as a burden. That’s unfortunate, because most of the time what you're asking is probably totally fair.

😅 The Guardian agrees, noting that women say it more than men. Let’s break the habit — Kamala didn't become VP by saying it at the end of every sentence!

😅 But blogger Amy Stanton says we should leave women alone. Emotional responses are totally OK, and sensitivity isn't a weakness.

😅 And The Face is sympathetic — your heart's in the right place! But it does makes you sound unsure of yourself. Even if you say “no worries if not,” you should delete any apologies from your email draft.

Quick hits from today & yesterday

⚫ Landslides in India's Himalayas have killed at least 50 people. Flash floods were caused by heavy rain and melting glaciers. (Reuters)

💰 A jury ordered a Texas man to pay $1.2b in damages to his ex-girlfriend after he shared intimate photos of her online. (The Guardian)

🎤 Ghent University in Belgium created a literature course focused on the analysis of Taylor Swift lyrics. (CNN)

🔥 Since Lionel Messi joined Inter Miami in July, the team hasn't lost. He's scored 9 goals in 6 games, and Miami is in the Leagues Cup final. (ABC News)

That’s it for today! Reply at [email protected] with your takes, topic suggestions, or anything at all. Here at Shades we’re trying something new – quick summaries from different points of view. We’d love to hear what you think.