❄️ Is Mitch OK?

Good morning! Today is July 27 — people are talking about Mitch McConnell’s freeze-up moment, the phenomenon of an ex “orbiting” even after a breakup, and more. As always, we’ve summarized and organized the different shades of perspective, so you see the big picture.

❄️ In the news: Is Mitch OK?

Mitch McConnell froze up at a news conference. Did he have a stroke? Is he just old? Are term limits the answer?

❄️ WaPo: Sen. McConnell froze up at a news conference and stopped speaking, before leaving the stage. He says he's fine, but people wonder if he had a stroke.

❄️ Watch a video of the conference here on TikTok.

❄️ Newsweek thinks he's unwell and needs to resign. He had a serious concussion 4 months ago!

❄️ But maybe age is to blame, wonders CBS Iowa. He’s 81! 60 is the average age for retirees. Term limits, anyone?

❄️ This Twitter (or should we say X?) thread sees all sides. It's sad to see aging affect someone, but it's also hard to feel bad given his political history.

🪐 Cultural trend: Orbiting

Orbiting is when an ex sticks around on socials but avoids you IRL. Many say it sucks, but others say wait a minute, we’re all guilty of it!

🪐 Orbiting is when an ex or old fling won’t disappear from your notifs, but won’t see you IRL either. USA Today says ignore it and focus on your new life!

🪐 Ask.com says being orbited sucks, and nothing’s worse than mixed signals. They need to commit or get out of your life!

🪐 This Reddit thread says orbiting means you’re just a backup plan. People show up if they really like you -- don’t fall for the orbiter’s tricks!

🪐 Collective World says hey, we’re all probably guilty of it to some extent. Just be clear about what you want with a potential partner, and you’ll both be happy.

Quick hits from yesterday

💰 The U.S. economy grew 2.4% in the 2nd quarter of the year, beating economist expectations. (WSJ)

🏛️ Federal judge Maryellen Noreika delayed a proposed plea deal between Hunter Biden and the Justice Department over tax and gun charges. (NYT)

🔫 Military officers in the West African nation of Niger removed the country's President and announced a coup on national television yesterday. (NPR)

🎤 Sinead O'Connor, the Irish singer known for her intense voice and outspoken activism, died at age 56. (People)

That’s it for today! Message me at [email protected] with your takes, topic suggestions, or anything at all. Here at Shades we’re trying something new – quick summaries from different points of view. We’d love to hear what you think.