πŸ›οΈ Deepfaked evidence

It’s Tuesday, March 5 β€” people are talking about Oregon’s drug reversal, the phenomenon of deepfaked evidence, and more.

As always, we’ve summarized and organized the different shades of perspective, so you can see the big picture quickly. Here at Shades we believe that seeing multiple points of view is the best way to stay informed.

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πŸ’Š Oregon’s drug reversal

Oregon flip-flopped on drug decriminalization. Some say champion the end of the policy, others say it just needed tweaks.

πŸ’Š Oregon decriminalized possession of hard drugs in 2020; it's now backpedaling. The WSJ reports that tragic incidents, such as a young addict's death, have sparked outcry.

πŸ’Š Hot Air: Oregon's drug decriminalization was a deadly flop, leading to a severe overdose crisis. The state is right to recriminalize drugs.

πŸ’Š But not everyone is happy. Researchers in Outlook say Oregon's move was premature β€” it's unclear how the decriminalization impacted the overdose crisis.

πŸ’Š NPR's take: Oregon's drug decriminalization was bold but premature. Future drug laws should adopt a newfound focus on treatment.

πŸ›οΈ Deepfaked evidence

Deepfake tech is shaking up courts, sparking debates on evidence integrity and justice. Can the law keep up with AI's tricks?

πŸ›οΈ Deepfakes, which are sophisticated AI-generated fake videos, are infiltrating the legal system. Law.com wonders if courts equipped to handle them: They could sway juries and cause lengthy disputes.

πŸ›οΈ UCSF Law Repository says deepfakes directly threaten evidence integrity. Anybody could fake evidence β€” and likewise, anyone can claim that real evidence is faked.

πŸ›οΈ NPR points out that the second part is already happening, but courts aren't buying it β€” it happened unsuccessfully in an Elon Musk case.

πŸ›οΈ A Redditor on r/Futurology thinks it's only a matter of time before deepfakes render video evidence completely useless. They're only going to get more convincing!

πŸ›οΈ GovTech shares that view. We may rely more heavily on witness testimony, which is notoriously shoddy. We need more guidelines ASAP.

Shades poll: Will deepfakes harm the legal system?

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Quick hits

πŸ“ˆ Bitcoin approaches its all-time dollar peak of $69,000 with strong buying pressure and market optimism.

πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ Germany cites individual error for Russia intercepting a sensitive military call, raising security concerns.

πŸ—³οΈ Super Tuesday may solidify Trump and Biden as their party's frontrunners, with key states voting.

🎯 Target's shares hit an 11-month high after reporting earnings that surpassed expectations.

Thanks for reading. If you have any feedback or want to share your thoughts or ideas, please email me at [email protected].

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